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■ 近況

【活動報告です。 Vol.16】

【O relatorio de atividade Vol.16】

【Ryota Kaneda Report Vol.16】














■ Portugues 

Ontem eu fui á casa novo que teve doado de uma família para participar da reunião de Associação da família pela pessoa com deficiência mental.

Esse casa que doado está nova e muito bonita,na aula que entrar eu pensei que gostaria de fazer meus negócios com a casa assim mesmo.

Bem, ate agora eu visitei uma família 5 vezes, que o pai esteja sofrendo que a filha fica violencia nele e usa as palavras abusivas.No começo ela nem queria falar comigo e ofendendo tuda hora.

Contudo conforme o tempo passa,ela começou de falar sobre ela mesmo,mas eu náo entendia o que ela quiz dizer, no meu opinião ela tem uma doença de matal que chama Esquizofrenia...

Por emquanto un objetivo é que fazer ela gostria de ir ao medico com vontade dela mesmo.

Vou continuar esse atividade e vou visitar outra família que esteja sofrendo no fim de semana.

Ainda eu não estou ganhando nada mas crédito,e eu acredito que acumular esse tipo de crédito vai ajudar meu negócio de apoiar eles mais tarde..

Un Abraço


■ English

The family association meeting in Nagoya for mentally handicapped person was held yesterday, and I was there.The  place that was took part in is really nice and new house which is

donated by a certain wealthy family. I like it and hope I have one like that for my new local business.

As of this moment I have visited so far one family and did some counselling 5 times. That family has 47 years daugher who are violent (according to her father ) on family , then I tried to do some listen at first.As I expected she never wants to talk to me nor  accept my presence..

As he number of times of my visiting increses she started talking a bit to me. However it was quite hard for me to understand her  because topics and contents she talked was inconsistent.

Of course I'm not a doctor but I have 3 year-experience as Job coach for mentally challenged person,in my opinion she has some mental disorder such as Pervasive developmental and schizophrenia.

The step for supporting her I believe is to take her to see a doctor but she never wants.I could not persuade her for this 5 times visiting however she seems to become flexible,according to her father's saying.

I will keep trying this activity as a volunteer.

This weekend I start visiting another family newly.

Thank you

Ryota Kaneda

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